Society first acknowledges a child’s existence and identity through birth registration. The right to be recognized as a person before the law is a critical step in ensuring lifelong protection and is a prerequisite for exercising all other rights.
This publication draws from more than 500 data sources spanning a period of more than 20 years to present updated global and regional estimates of the number of unregistered children under age 5 and under age 1. The report also includes estimates on children and infants without birth certificates, both globally and across regions. In addition, it assesses progress over time and presents evidence for the amount of effort that will be needed – at both global and regional levels – to ensure that all children have a legal identity.
Where we stand today: The birth registration of children under 5
The world is home to over 200 million children under 5 without a birth certificate: this includes 150 million unregistered children and 55 million children whose births are reported as registered but lack proof in the form of a birth certificate. Countries with the lowest levels of birth registration are primarily found in sub-Saharan Africa.
Source - Nomazulu Thata
“Mining companies in our localities are choosing to offer jobs to young men over their female counterparts leaving the latter with no choice except to opt for early marriages as a survival means,” she said.
Dome said this in the end leaves the female counterparts over dependent on their spouses for support with the overwhelming demands in the home brewing discontent arguments and subsequently GBV.
“These traditional leaders are also fuling GBV by failing to engage with the companies to encourage them to equally hire these young women and I believe there is a gap for engagement in that regard,” said Dome.
The Zimbabwe National Statistics Agency (ZimStat) reports that in the year 2023 alone, the unemployment rate for women in Zimbabwe was 8,8% of the female labor force. Unemployment is the percentage of the labor force that is without work but looking for employment.
In the first quarter of 2024, the employment to population ratio for females in rural areas was 22,1%.
The International Labour Organisation (ILO) says women are exposed to the worst forms of precarious work and often endure more inequalities at work as compared to their female counterparts.