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Girls to shun early marriages

11.10.2022 | Staff reporter

BRITISH ambassador to Zimbabwe, Melanie Robinson has urged young girls in the country to shun early marriages and set their sights higher in life despite the challenges they face.

In a letter titled Dear me-when-I-was-13, to girls ahead of the Day of the Girl Child which is commemorated today, Robinson urged those from good backgrounds to take time to understand and support young girls in Zimbabwe.

"You are a little older than both my children. I'm talking to you now on International Day of the Girl Child, just as I love talking to so many brilliant Zimbabwean schoolgirls your age. I see their hopes and their dreams, just as I see yours. And I see too the challenges you and they face. Some of the challenges you face are very different to those faced by schoolgirls here in Zimbabwe," Robinson said.

She urged the girls to take every chance to make friends with others from different backgrounds, cultures, and beliefs.

"Be brave. Reach out. Join groups of girls and young people who are trying to make a difference in your school and in your community. You will learn things. And some of the things you learn may change the course of your life. Don't let people tell you as a girl that there are things you can't do or that you don't have the right to lead others. You have every right to be a leader," she said.

Robinson said girls should not be afraid to pursue their passion and dreams as they strive to shape their futures.

On December 19, 2011, the United Nations General Assembly adopted Resolution 66/170 to declare October 11 the International Day of the Girl Child, to recognize girls' rights and the unique challenges girls face around the world.

The International Day of the Girl Child seeks to identify and resolve the challenges girls face.

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