Zimbabwe: Cholera government rules!25.02.2024 Source - The Herald
Zimbabwe lay down new cholera rules for schools … Schools must observe laid-down cholera protocols to ensure safe opening this Tuesday, the Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education has directed. Speaking during a clean-up campaign at Warren Park…
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South Africa: Zenaphobic attacks are shameful25.02.2024 By Raymond Suttner
… Xenophobic attacks repudiate freedom and are shameful — they must be stopped … INTERNATIONALISM and pan-Africanism have been foundational values of the liberation struggle. It is shameful that this generation, many of whom are former freedom…
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Zimbabwean do not want to be refuges in…25.02.2024 By Cathy Buckle
Zimbabweans don’t want to be refugees in foreign lands. I am writing today in recognition of you, the people out there who care about Zimbabwe and what happens here and who are as stunned as we are about what went on in the August election. A…
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Zimbabwean education and the trive for UBUNTU25.02.2024 By Oliver Mutanga, Nazarbayev University
Education in Zimbabwe should strive for inclusion – how the philosophy of ubuntu can help … The notion of inclusive education began to emerge during the 1950s and 1960s. At first it focused on integrating students with disabilities into mainstream…
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Zimbabwe: Domestic workers acquire skills to…25.02.2024 By Alois Vinga
Domestic workers upskill for decent work … THE Domestic Workers Association in Zimbabwe (DWAZ) is pioneering efforts to equip domestic workers with skills, knowledge, and tools to enhance their opportunities to access decent employment work in the…
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Zimbabwe: Domestic workers earn $10 a month25.02.2024 By Alois Vinga
Domestic workers chief decries US$10 monthly wage. THE Zimbabwe Domestic and Allied Workers Union (ZIDAWU) has decried the US$10 monthly salary and prolonged lack of pension plan by the National Social Security Authority (NSSA). Speaking during an…
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