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582 entries


Lesotho: Unsafe Abortion on the Rise

17.10.2022 Gender Links: Majara Molupe

Maseru — There is increasing concern in Lesotho over increasing numbers of unsafe abortions. This unsafe abortion is carried out by individuals who do not have the expertise to dabble in such a practice. Abortion in Lesotho is criminalized and any…

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Africa: Govts to do more to Protect Many…

17.10.2022 Mozambique: Jerry Chifamba

Africa: Govts Can Do More to Protect Many Pregnant Students And Mothers Facing Education Barriers … Mbuto Machili / UNFPA Mozambique … Nearly a third of all women in developing countries begin childbearing at age 19 and younger, and nearly half of…

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Botswana: The Constitution - Women Speak

17.10.2022 Gender Links

Botswana: The constitution – Women speak out … Political parties and women’s organizations in Botswana have made a submission to the Commission of Inquiry into the Review of the Constitution. Download the full submission or read the chapters below.

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Tanzania: UN-Women Chief Salutes Tanzania to…

17.10.2022 Tanzania Daily News

Tanzania: UN-Women Chief Salutes Tanzania Horticultural Association's Approach to Empower Rural Women … Zanzibar — THE visiting United Nations Under-Secretary-General and Executive Director of UN Women, Ms. Sima Sami Bahous has lauded Tanzania…

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Liberia: Thousand of Girls Targeted in Plan…

17.10.2022 Plan International: Emmanuel Wise Jipoh &Winston W. Parley

Plan International Liberia has launched a campaign to ensure thousands of Liberian girls can learn, lead, decide and thrive for a better career, or future endeavors. The "Girls Get Equal" campaign was launched Friday, 14 October 2022 at Plan…

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Angola: Organização de Mulheres Angolanas

17.10.2022 Paolo Jorge

This refers to the work of OMA (Organização de Mulheres Angolanas), the Organization of Angolan Women. While the material on this MPLA grouping is hard to come by in English, Paolo Jorge, former director of MLAs Department of Information and…

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