Xenophobia and medical treatment in South…04.10.2022 Shakira Choonara
… Medical xenophobia: its time to level the power imbalance in healthcare facilities … I WAS extremely angry, but not shocked, by the utterances of South Africa's Limpopo Health MEC, Phophi Ramathuba. So many things ran through my mind as I…
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Mass migration and brain-drain03.10.2022 Byo 24 Staff Reporter
UNFULFILLED electoral promises of creating an environment conducive to youth development by the Zanu-PF-led government in 2018 have fuelled a mass exodus of young people to faraway lands in search of greener pastures. In the run-up to the 2018…
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Zimbabwean pregnant women denied treatment…02.10.2022 Source Bulawayo 24
South African Limpopo Health MEC Dr. Phophi Ramathuba says the presence of Zimbabweans in her country in need of healthcare, including women going to give birth there, and running away from collapsed hospitals, is an indication of President Emmerson…
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Criminalize attacks against female…02.10.2022 Alois Vinga
Spread The news … WOMEN and Law in Southern Africa (WILSA) has petitioned Parliament to urgently amend the Electoral Laws to criminalize political harassment and discriminatory attacks based on gender ahead of the 2023 elections. Rattled by the…
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UN warns starvation up to 345 million people29.09.2022 UNITED NATIONS
UNITED NATIONS: The U.N. food chief warned Thursday that the world is facing “a global emergency of unprecedented magnitude,” with up to 345 million people marching toward starvation — and 70 million pushed closer to starvation by the war in…
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African youths and climate change29.09.2022 United Nations Communique
Why should youths in Africa care about climate change? Because we are being affected by the climate crisis. Globally, everyone is affected by climate change; but in Africa, we are affected in a unique way. Take deforestation and the lack of access…
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