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Zambia: ZDA, Latvia business experts partner to empower women in Zambia

19.10.2022 | Lusaka Times

ZDA, Latvia business experts partner to empower young women in Zambia

Columns ZDA, Latvia business experts partner to empower young women in Zambia

Ministry of Commerce, Trade and Industry Permanent Secretary, John Mulongoti, has said the government will continue to promote trade and investments as well as enterprise development to stimulate economic development in the country.

Mr. Mulongoti says government realizes that formal employment alone cannot absorb all the graduates coming from colleges and universities hence the need to promote entrepreneurship.

He said this in a speech read for him by the Director of Industry in the Ministry of Commerce, Trade and Industry, Sunday Chikoti during the She-rebuilds the world meeting organized by the Zambia Development Agency (ZDA) in partnership with Latvia business experts in Lusaka today.

He noted that government would like to see a good number of programs that support women folk so that they are not left out of economic activities.

Mr. Mulongoti added that government appreciates initiatives from stakeholders such as Latvia, which are aimed at inculcating the culture of entrepreneurship, especially for young women.

He explained that there is a need for a mindset change among young women to always look at alternatives to formal jobs, adding that government alone cannot employ everyone.

“We are looking forward to seeing experience sharing between the two countries, Zambia and Latvia, in areas such as country branding and diaspora engagements to attract foreign direct investment,” he said.

And ZDA Acting Director General, Albert Halwampa said women's empowerment is critical in fostering social economic development in the country.

Mr. Halwampa revealed that ZDA is happy for the partnership with Latvia business experts, who offer business expertise to young women.

He said linking Zambian women with the rest of the world will empower them with entrepreneurial skills.

He further said the ZDA partnership with Latvia will make young women financially viable by coming up with job creation instincts to foster development in the country.

“ZDA believes in the adage which says; ‘empower a woman then you empower the whole world’, speaks volumes for young women that will soon start creating jobs for others for their sustenance.

He said the partnership was the beginning of better things to come in terms of actualizing the job creation concept which in turn adds to the gross domestic product (GDP).

Earlier, Latvia Board Member of diaspora organization, Ieva Jakobsone said her organization has identified 30 young women in Zambia who will be given entrepreneurial and business skills to transform their economic status.

Ms. Jakobsone said Lativia supports young women with business knowledge so they to succeed in their personal endeavors.

She said the objective of her organization is to link young women to specialized business training and make them realize their dreams of becoming employers in the future.

Latvia, a small country in Europe, supports young women in entrepreneurial skills in selected countries such as Zambia and Namibia to acquire economic skills.

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