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582 entries


Building feminist movements to end violence…

26.10.2022 Onai Chitakunye

“Our appreciation of feminist movement-building is based on recognizing the power of the collective.” – Sandra Zenda, Programs Coordinator at the Institute for Young Women’s Development … Institute of Young Women’s Development Members in Bindura…

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Eswatini: Leaving no woman behind in…

26.10.2022 All Africa News

“People with disabilities have equal rights just like everybody else.” - Futhi Malwane, member of the Family Clubs organized by Swaziland Action Group Against Abuse …  Guests during the project's launch using sign language to celebrate. Credit: Ms.

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Living in Soweto as a young Woman

26.10.2022 Alessandra Prioreschi

Young women in Soweto say healthy living is hard. Here’s why … Women in Soweto said going out in exercise clothes made them vulnerable to harassment and assault. dotshock/Shutterstock … Data from South Africa has shown that over two-thirds of young…

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Imbokodo is a long overdue series of…

26.10.2022 Creative Commons licence.

Imbokodo is a long overdue series of children’s books on South African women … Disclosure statement … Xolisa Guzula received funding from Biblionef South Africa and the National Arts Council for the publication of the Imbokodo Book Series. She is…

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Namibia: Women Journalists Have a Long Way…

26.10.2022 New Era

Organizers of the second edition of the Nedbank Women in Media Conference that took place over the weekend have described the event as "a resounding success". Themed 'Alike in so many ways, the conference was organized to commemorate World Press…

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Update on Gender-Based Barriers

26.10.2022 All Africa News

Women in Angola: An Update on Gender-Based Barriers and Opportunities for Democracy and Governance Work … The author's scope of work calls for a summary report that captures what is (existing condition), what should be (desired condition)…

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