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582 entries


Zambia: Thirteen kidnapped women rescued by…

25.10.2022 Mwayi Mkandawire

Thirteen Zambian women held by their abductors for months were rescued yesterday in Lusaka after one of the women managed to escape and alert neighbors. The women were abducted over the past six months and the kidnappers had been sending videos to…

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Zambia Launches African Women Leaders Network

25.10.2022 All Africa News

Zambian Vice President, former UN Resident Coordinator, Ambassadors, and UN Representatives at the launch of the AWLN in Zambia … Over 300 Zambian women joined the books of African history, as they witnessed the official launch of the African Women…

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Tanzania can do more to Protect Women and…

25.10.2022 PRESS RELEASE NO: 2022/067/AFR

Tanzania Can Do More to Protect Its Women and Girls and Promote Gender Equality … DAR ES SALAAM, Tuesday, April 5, 2022— While there are many promising opportunities to advance women’s empowerment and gender equality in Tanzania, the high rates of…

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Tanzania President Advises Women to have…

25.10.2022 BBC

President Samia Suluhu Hassan rose to power in March 2021 … Tanzania’s President Samia Suluhu Hassan has expressed concern over the high birth rate in the East African country and urged citizens to take up birth control measures. It is a major…

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President Kagame and his Empowerment Program…


Our nation’s collective commitment to inclusion and the hard-won achievements of Rwandan women are helping lead our country toward a brighter future. Gender empowerment – Rwanda’s female parliamentarians and President Kagame.   … The empowerment of…

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Rwanda Socio-Economic Empowerment for Women

25.10.2022 Woman for Woman

Socioeconomic empowerment for women in Rwanda … Source: Women for Women … “Before joining the Women for Women programs, I was a poor woman, isolated, who demand everything from the husband, and it was not sufficient because he was doing casual work…

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