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582 entries


800 Migrants intercepted near Lampeduza


More than 800 migrants, including dozens of Tunisians, were intercepted on Wednesday night as they tried to reach Europe via the Italian coastline from the Tunisian coast, the Tunisian national guard said on Friday. "A total of 813 migrants…

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Scavanging at Dumpsite: a Risk to…

23.10.2022 Africa News

Women's Health … Acrid smoke billows from the mountain of waste at the Dandora rubbish dump in Nairobi. Plastic, glass, even medical waste - it's fresh pickings for the Marabou stalks and the people scavenging through the dump looking for recyclable…

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Moroccan Women demand Legal Abortion

23.10.2022 All Africa News

Moroccan women demonstrated outside parliament in the capital, Rabat, yesterday calling for abortion to be legalized. The protest on International Safe Abortion Day came weeks after a teenage girl, Meriem, died in a village in the center of the…

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Shortage of contraceptives pills in South…

23.10.2022 Staff Reporter

 South Africa is facing a shortage of birth control stock at public health facilities. A 2022 independent study by the Ritshidze project, a community-led clinic monitoring organization, indicates that stock-outs of contraceptives represented 40% of…

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Nigeria evacuates 542 Nigerians in UAE; 460…

23.10.2022 Kindly share this story

The Federal Government through the Nigerians in Diaspora Commission on Sunday announced that a total of 542 stranded Nigerians were evacuated from the United Arab Emirates. The commission made this known via its official Twitter handle @nidcom_gov.

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Girls and Children are the most trafficked…

22.10.2022 Sheila Pires

Children, Women Most Trafficked in São Tome, Catholic Nun Says, Calls for Their Protection … Logo of the Episcopal Commission for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People (CEPAMI). Credit: CEPAMI … A Catholic Nun serving at the office that…

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