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582 entries


Migrant Receiption Center over-crowded in…

23.10.2022 Rédaction Africanews

Over 1,000 migrants arrive in Italy and the reception center becomes overwhelmed … Migrants wait at a reception center of the so-called migrant "Hotspot" operational processing facility on the southern Italian Pelagie Island of Lampedusa, south of…

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22 Malian Migrants die in a boat disaster…

23.10.2022 UN Africa News/ RICARDO GARCIA VILANOVA

22 Malian migrants died in boat disaster off Libya —UN … Libya … At least 22 migrants, including three children, all from Mali, died in a shipwreck off the coast of Libya, the United Nations said Tuesday, citing survivors who reported drowning.

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Nigeria - UK Sign Deportation Pact

23.10.2022 Africa News

United Kingdom … Nigeria has signed a deportation agreement with the United Kingdom, which will see the deportation of illegal Nigerian immigrants and criminals. On Thursday, Home Secretary Priti Patel described the memorandum of understanding as a…

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More than 25,000 Childrem Missing in Africa

23.10.2022 Rédaction Africanews

More than 25,000 minors still missing in Africa-ICRC … Ethiopia … The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) has sounded the alarm over the high number of missing children in Africa. The committee published a report on the International Day…

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Libya: 5 Migrants dead 16 Missing in the…

23.10.2022 Africa News

Libya: Five migrants dead, 16 missing in the Mediterranean … Libya … Libya is considering a new law that will allow for the protection of migrants and asylum seekers in Libya. This comes after a series of incidents where illegal migrants have lost…

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600 Migrants from different African…

23.10.2022 IOM

More than 600 migrants from different African countries have arrived in northern Niger after being turned back from Algeria, local authorities told AFP on Tuesday, September 20 … According to the authorities, some 669 people turned back from…

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